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Postfire Landscape Management in Frequent-Fire Conifer Forests
Post-fire conifer regeneration in ponderosa pine forests of the southern Rocky Mountains, USA
Recovering resilience: Post-fire forested landscapes and future management implications 1
Fire refugia: where and why do conifer forests persist through multiple fire events?
Regenerating a Post-Fire Landscape in the Interior Douglas-Fir Zone
Recovering Resilience: Post-Fire Forested Landscapes and Future Management Implications 1
Post-fire Reforestation Considerations
Patterns of conifer regen following high severity fire in ponderosa pine dominated forests
Restoration of Frequent-Fire Forests: Managing for Resiliency - A Science Basis
Post-Fire Forest Regeneration in CA Mixed Conifer Forests- Hugh Safford
Spatiotemporal drivers of postfire conifer establishment and growth in a managed postfire landscape
Post fire Reforestation Considerations